Products>Halls / Theaters>club with live music


AGK uses the polyurethane soundproofing materials “Sylomer”, “Sylodyn” and “Sylomer Block” which is manufactured by Getzner GmbH, a company with railroad and construction achievements worldwide. Using these vibration proofing materials, we limit the transmission of floor vibrations, put sound in check, and keep noise from leaking into surrounding areas. We are building better acoustical environments using top soundproofing technology accumulated from work on studios, cinema complexes, and auditoriums. We offer planning for targeted, user friendly, exiting live house interior design.

Club with live music reference plan


Rehearsal studio soundproof specification

  • Soundproofed ceiling rehearsal studio

    Specification example of soundproof ceiling

  • Soundproofed floor rehearsal studio

    Specification example of soundproof floor

  • Soundproof wall rehearsal studio

    Specification example of soundproof wall

The sound insulation material thickness and material type etc. of the above soundproof specification change according to the surrounding environment and conditions. For details, please contact us.